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Sunday, April 1, 2012


Dear all,
next week we are going to have only one class before the Easter break (on Wednesday, April 4th) on the meaning and function of the Italian Court of Cassation's building, better known to the people of Rome as "il Palazzaccio".

Temple of Justice or "Palazzaccio"? Giuseppe Zanardelli's Idea of Justice in Unified Italy


Terry Rossi Kirk, The Politicization of the Landscape of Roma Capitale and the Symbolic Role of the Palazzo di Giustizia, in "Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome: Italie et Méditerranée", 109.1 (2006), pp. 89-114.


  1. It is really interesting how the architechture of the Court of Cassation is the expression of political feelings. It is the symbol of the new indipendent state, erecting public buildings and commemorative monuments representing the greatness of the new state. This is created with a palace of "severa bellezza", how said the architect Calderini, anche I think that he has achieved his goal. The massive scale at the entrance, the big statues of roman jurists, lady Justice and the "cortile d'onore" with the standing law with book and scepter, everything reminds to the importance of law and justice and how they can be related with beauty of architecture.
    It has been a very interesting lesson!
    So...Happy Easter to everybody!
    Chiara Ferrauti

  2. I agree with you, Chiara! But there is only a problem in my opinion...the goal is not completely achieved if nobody knows about what the political men and constructors wanted to communicate erecting those monuments! That's why I think it is very important, especially for us that live in Rome and study Law, have this kind of knowledge...Happy Easter and see you soon! Grazia D'Alpa

  3. As you said and as Dott.ssa Gialdroni shows us, is not that easy tu understand that new concept that the makers of a new Italy wanted, in their intention, to transmit to people, especially in the inside of the Court of Cassatio building (we saw a lot of paintings with a really obscure meaning), but I think that one thing was clear to everyone: the place where they whanted the palace to be built.

    A space that belonged to the Pope, a place that is really near to Castel S. Angelo. In my opinion the location they choose had a clear meaning: to broke up with the influence of the Church in the State, to remark the difference between secolar power and spiritual power, to say that the Pope had to look afetr mens’souls and the the State had to look after mans’bodyes.

    They wanted to make it clear that Rome from that moment had to be the symbol of Italy and no more of the papal state and that they wanted everybody to be conscious that Italy was an unified country. And maybe the location could shows that all clearly.
